On 8/7/17 1:05 PM, Kris Maglione wrote:
So what is the state of things at the moment?  Should we just turn off
old-style addons on nightly?  If not, then we should probably stop
breaking them until we _do_ turn them off.

I don't think so. Extension authors know the score here.

OK, I thought about this some more, and here's the problem as I see it. Extension authors may know the score (though see below), but nightly users may not, and even if they do they may not realize that addons are involved in breakage.

So if right now we land a patch that breaks addons, and a nightly user updates, they get a broken browser and have to try to figure out whether it's because we broken an addon (and this may not be the first thing they think of) or because we introduced a bug that they should report.

So I strongly feel that to avoid wasting the time and effort of our nightly users we should not start landing addon-breaking changes (or at least ones that might cause exceptions in addons that break various browser functionality) until after we have disabled addons.

Note that the issues addon authors are having are precisely the "we don't want to make nightly users' lives hell, so we're trying to make sure our addons keep working for the users who have them installed" issue. As in, they're caring more about our nightly users a lot more than some of our developers seem to be. :(

If people just want to clean up IDL, which is what I'm seeing, they should start with the ton of noscript interfaces we have that need cleanup and which are known to not break any addons ever since we remove binary addon support.

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