On 2017-10-03 2:18 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
Right now, at 60px, I can see 7-10 chars in a tab title.  This is sometimes (but not always) enough for me to make sense of what I'm looking at when the favicon is not helpful.  For example, for bugzilla bugs I can see the whole bug number.

In the new setup is sounds like I will see 1-2 chars.  At that point, it's not immediately clear to me that there's any value to not just setting the min-width to "40px" and allowing all the title text to disappear altogether.  There is definite value in not going below the "keep the favicon entirely visible" value, of course.

I think tab bar usability would be much improved if the tab bar's drop-down list of full tab titles was always available. This is the "V" button that appears to the right of the "+" tab button.

On my machine, the drop-down list button only appears after 15 tabs are open, but (as Boris points out) the tabs stopped being identifiable before 15 tabs were open.
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