On 06/07/15 17:44, Ben Wilson wrote:
> Thanks.  I realize/think that this would require a separate root
> program.  If you think of it as a Venn diagram there would be Set A
> and Set B.  The user would then select A, B, A U B or A ∩ B.  

The trouble with this is that, while it makes sense to you or I, Mozilla
is not keen to ask users to make decisions where they have no meaningful
understanding or basis on which to make that decision. I cannot imagine
a UI for "select the lists of CAs you trust" which would enable a user
to make a meaningful decision, or realise when something breaks that it
was a consequence of their previous decision.

This is why we have a root program, rather than a startup wizard with
100 CA checkboxes to review :-)


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