Well, for one thing, it would be the browser asking, not the page.
And the cookie UX for these EU sites seems like an anti-pattern

To echo Gerv's point: How is the user supposed to evaluate whether to
trust the EU list?

Sent from my iPhone.  Please excuse brevity.

> On Jul 7, 2015, at 05:46, Ben Wilson <ben.wil...@digicert.com> wrote:
> But how different would it be for the end user to accept a single pop-up for 
> an EU trust list (based on IP address) from the multiple EU cookie pop-ups 
> that web sites present?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dev-security-policy 
> [mailto:dev-security-policy-bounces+ben=digicert....@lists.mozilla.org] On 
> Behalf Of Gervase Markham
> Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 6:13 AM
> To: mozilla-dev-security-pol...@lists.mozilla.org
> Subject: Re: Letter from US House of Representatives
>> On 06/07/15 17:44, Ben Wilson wrote:
>> Thanks.  I realize/think that this would require a separate root
>> program.  If you think of it as a Venn diagram there would be Set A
>> and Set B.  The user would then select A, B, A U B or A ∩ B.
> The trouble with this is that, while it makes sense to you or I, Mozilla is 
> not keen to ask users to make decisions where they have no meaningful 
> understanding or basis on which to make that decision. I cannot imagine a UI 
> for "select the lists of CAs you trust" which would enable a user to make a 
> meaningful decision, or realise when something breaks that it was a 
> consequence of their previous decision.
> This is why we have a root program, rather than a startup wizard with
> 100 CA checkboxes to review :-)
> Gerv
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