Agreed. I don't see a reason to disclose anything where the parent is revoked. 
I think it's a similar  question as whether a CA has to disclose all the sub 
case under a root where removal from the root program was requested. In both 
cases the certs are not publicly trusted and don't affect the Mozilla community.

> On Jun 21, 2016, at 10:10 AM, Peter Bowen <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 8:26 AM, Rob Stradling <> 
>> wrote:
>> Revocation of a "parent intermediate" does not exempt "child intermediates"
>> from the disclosure requirement, AFAICT.  So I think the KBC Group CAs do
>> need to be disclosed to Salesforce.
> If all paths from a trusted root to a given intermediate are revoked
> or expired, then I don't think it "directly or transitively chain[s]
> to a certificate included in Mozilla’s CA Certificate Program".  It
> would be no different than a private CA which isn't part of the WebPKI
> graph.
> Thanks,
> Peter
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