On 23/06/2017 14:59, Rob Stradling wrote:
On 22/06/17 10:51, Rob Stradling via dev-security-policy wrote:
On 19/06/17 20:41, Tavis Ormandy via dev-security-policy wrote:
Is this useful? if not, what key usage is interesting?


Thanks for this, Tavis. I pointed my certscraper (https://github.com/robstradling/certscraper) at this URL a couple of days ago. This submitted many of the certs to the Dodo and Rocketeer logs.

However, it didn't manage to build chains for all of them. I haven't yet had a chance to investigate why.

There are ~130 CA certificates in https://lock.cmpxchg8b.com/ServerOrAny.zip that I've not yet been able to submit to any CT logs.

   - Some are only trusted by the old Adobe CDS program.
   - Some are only trusted for Microsoft Kernel Mode Code Signing.
   - Some are very old roots that are no longer trusted.
   - Some are corrupted.
   - Some seem to be from private PKIs.

The SubCAs for Windows 5.01 (XP) to 6.03 (Eight point One) kernel mode
signing are all 10 year cross-certs from a dedicated single-purpose
Microsoft root CA to well known roots from companies like Symantec and

They can (or could) be downloaded from a Microsoft support page, I know
of 6 that expired in 2016, 19 that will expire in 2021 and 4 that will
expire in 2023.

The issuing 20 year root is


CN=Microsoft Code Verification Root, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, ST=Washington, C=US

SHA1 Fingerprint=8F:BE:4D:07:0E:F8:AB:1B:CC:AF:2A:9D:5C:CA:E7:28:2A:2C:66:B3

The relevant root store contains *only* this root, so the issuing (and
possible revocation) of the SubCA/crosscerts acts as a dedicated root
program more restrictive than the normal Microsoft root program.  Chain
validation is often done during boot before TCP/IP is up and running
(even the network drivers are signed with this), so there is no AIA or
OCSP available.  Pre-download CRLs could be checked, but I don't know if
they do that.


Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S.  https://www.wisemo.com
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