I think you're right, it was probably me submitting my corpus - I hope
that's a good thing! :-)

I only submitted the ones I could verify, would you be interested in the
others? Many are clearly not interesting, but others seem like they may be
interesting if I had an intermediate I haven't seen.


On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 6:15 AM, Alex Gaynor <agay...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> One of my hobbies is keeping track of publicly trusted (by any of the
> major root programs) CAs, for which there are no logged certificates.
> There's over 1000 of these. In the last day, presumably as a result of
> these efforts, 50-100 CAs were removed from the list.
> Cheers,
> Alex
> On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 5:51 AM, Rob Stradling <rob.stradl...@comodo.com>
> wrote:
>> On 19/06/17 20:41, Tavis Ormandy via dev-security-policy wrote:
>>> Thanks Alex, I took a look, it looks like the check pings crt.sh - is
>>> doing
>>> that for a large number of certificates acceptable Rob?
>> Hi Tavis.  Yes, Alex's tool uses https://crt.sh/gen-add-chain to find a
>> suitable cert chain and build the JSON that can then be submitted to a
>> log's /ct/v1/add-chain.  It should be fine to do that for a large number of
>> certs.  crt.sh exists to be used.  ;-)
>> I made a smaller set, the certificates that have 'SSL server: Yes' or 'Any
>>> Purpose : Yes', there were only a few thousand that verified, so I just
>>> checked those and found 551 not in crt.sh.
>>> (The *vast* majority are code signing certificates, many are individual
>>> apple developer certificates)
>>> Is this useful? if not, what key usage is interesting?
>>> https://lock.cmpxchg8b.com/ServerOrAny.zip
>> Thanks for this, Tavis.  I pointed my certscraper (
>> https://github.com/robstradling/certscraper) at this URL a couple of
>> days ago.  This submitted many of the certs to the Dodo and Rocketeer logs.
>> However, it didn't manage to build chains for all of them.  I haven't yet
>> had a chance to investigate why.
>> Tavis.
>>> On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 7:03 AM, Alex Gaynor <agay...@mozilla.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> If you're interested in playing around with submitting them yourself, or
>>>> checking if they're already submitted, I've got some random tools for
>>>> working with CT: https://github.com/alex/ct-tools
>>>> Specifically ct-tools check <cert1.pem, cert2.pem, ...> will get what
>>>> you
>>>> want. It's all serial, so for 8M certs you probably want to Bring Your
>>>> Own
>>>> Parallelism (I should fix this...)
>>>> Alex
>>>> On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 6:51 AM, Rob Stradling via dev-security-policy <
>>>> dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
>>>> On 16/06/17 20:11, Andrew Ayer via dev-security-policy wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 16 Jun 2017 10:29:45 -0700 Tavis Ormandy wrote:
>>>>>> <snip>
>>>>> Is there an easy way to check which certificates from my set you're
>>>>>>> missing? (I'm not a PKI guy, I was collecting unusual extension OIDs
>>>>>>> for fuzzing).
>>>>>>> I collected these from public sources, so can just give you my whole
>>>>>>> set if you already have tools for importing them and don't mind
>>>>>>> processing them, I have around ~8M (mostly leaf) certificates, the
>>>>>>> set with isCa will be much smaller.
>>>>>> Please do post the whole set.  I suspect there are several people on
>>>>>> this list (including myself and Rob) who have the tools and experience
>>>>>> to process large sets of certificates and post them to public
>>>>>> Certificate Transparency logs (whence they will be fed into crt.sh).
>>>>>> It would be useful to include the leaf certificates as well, to catch
>>>>>> CAs which are engaging in bad practices such as signing non-SSL certs
>>>>>> with SHA-1 under an intermediate that is capable of issuing SSL
>>>>>> certificates.
>>>>>> Thanks a bunch for this!
>>>>> +1
>>>>> Tavis, please do post the whole set.  And thanks!
>> --
>> Rob Stradling
>> Senior Research & Development Scientist
>> COMODO - Creating Trust Online
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