On Fri, May 01, 2020 at 04:48:28PM +0000, Corey Bonnell via dev-security-policy 
> I have briefly reviewed and would like to ask what is the intent of Item 4
> and the associated sub-items?  The Browser Alignment draft ballot is under
> discussion in the CAB Forum, so the intent behind the shift of the
> location of discourse to the Mozilla forum is unclear.

I also had a similar "hmm, that seems odd" reaction to point 4 of the draft
CA communication.  At first glance, it does seem somewhat redundant to ask
CAs to tell Mozilla about their concerns rather than tell the CA/B Forum
directly.  However, when I reflected on it at some length, I came to the
conclusion that it is a good thing for Mozilla to survey the CAs in its root
program in this manner, for several reasons:

1. It is my understanding that not all CAs in Mozilla's root store are
   members of the CA/B Forum.  You could wonder why that is, you can even
   think that those CAs that aren't members of the Forum are being various
   forms of irresponsible, however the fact remains, and Mozilla reaching
   out to gather the opinions of all CAs in its root store helps to surface
   the opinions of those CAs that do not have a voice in the CA/B Forum

2. There are multiple examples of CA members of the CA/B Forum failing to
   express their objections to a ballot until the voting period, which has
   on at least one occasion let to the failure of a ballot.  As there is no
   mechanism within the CA/B Forum to "force" members to express their
   objections to a draft ballot in a timely manner, it seems likely that
   this will occur again in the future.  Mozilla's CA communication and
   survey, being mandatory for all CAs in Mozilla's trust store to complete,
   requires those CAs to carefully consider the issues and voice their
   objections, which reduces the chances of objectionable draft ballots
   making it to the voting stage only to fail at that hurdle.

Thus, despite having initial reservations about Mozilla's action here, I've
come to the conclusion that it is a Good Thing(TM) that Mozilla is doing
this, and it can only be to the benefit of Mozilla, relying parties, and the
Web PKI for Section 4 of the draft May CA Communication to go out to CAs

- Matt

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