El jueves, 2 de julio de 2020, 9:23:19 (UTC+2), Paul van Brouwershaven  
> But as Pedro also mentioned, the EKU extension in intermediate certificates
> acts as a constraint on the permitted EKU OIDs in end-entity certificates,
> which means you won't be able to use delegated OCSP signing certificates
> with strict EKU validation on the path? While not every client might have
> strict validation on this, it would be really confusing if it's required
> for one EKU and forbidden for the other.

If we look at the BR, it says:
"[^**]: Generally Extended Key Usage will only appear within end entity 
certificates (as highlighted in RFC 5280 (, however, Subordinate CAs 
MAY include the extension to further protect relying parties until the use of 
the extension is consistent between Application Software Suppliers whose 
software is used by a substantial portion of Relying Parties worldwide."

Therefore, in my humble opinion it's fully logical to understand this 
requirement "as it's written", which is to restrict the CA and protect relying 
parties... In other words, the BR is clearly saying that the meaning of the EKU 
in SubCAs MUST be understood as a constraint and NOT to express the EKU of the 
certificate itself. The same applies to other EKUs, for example the meaning of 
serverAuth EKU is EVIDENTLY associated to a constraint, and no one understands 
that the CA certificate can be used to protect a web server, as in that case 
the rest of the certificate profile should be also consistent with the 
requirements of the leaf TLS certs... I think it's not logical to consider in 
the BR the implications of setting some EKU and not the others.

I would consider this as two derived issues that need to be considered 
separately and appropriately:

#1. There's an evident "gap" in the BR in section that is creating a 
potential inconsistency with the RFC, and also creates incompatibilities with 
certain software solutions.

#2. This inconsistency could provoke in certain conditions a security risk, and 
in particular this applies in case of externally-operated subCAs. This security 
risk must analysed and mitigated by, maybe, revoking these SubCAs.

But I would say that just considering this as a unique problem that needs a 
unique solution is not appropriate.

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