Based on feedback and resulting discussions, I think it is best that we
proceed with the User-Agent [1] product token [2] approach for CSP
versioning.  It will only add ~5 bytes, e.g. CSP/1, to the U-A string
and will be easily parsable by servers.  I am going to update the CSP
spec to reflect this addition.



On 4/10/09 10:32 AM, Sid Stamm wrote:
> If we advertise the version at all (I'm still on the fence here), I
> think maybe putting CSP version into the User-Agent header might be
> appropriate, since CSP is technically a capability of the user agent.
> If indeed the UA gets scrubbed by someone concerned about privacy (or a
> proxy/firewall/etc), it seems appropriate that this advertisement of a
> user-agent's capability (the CSP version) should get scrubbed too.
> So the UA string is harder to parse than a header containing only this
> version, but the syntax is fairly straightforward in RFC 2616.  Also,
> I'm not seeing a Flash-Version header, or a header that alone advertises
> any other browser capabilities, so unless we want to make a new header
> and put *all* advertised capabilities in it, User-Agent seems the best
> choice.
> Cheers,
> Sid
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