I'd like to mention a specific case where the Android scheme fails catastrophically: Lots of apps ask for permission to "modify and delete USB storage contents" (that's from memory, the exact phrase may be different). This _sounds_ really scary, and it is: IIUC apps with that privilege _could_ completely erase the USB-visible storage if they wanted. What most of those apps actually _need_ is the ability to _create some files_ on the USB storage, and then possibly delete _those_ files later. That could be enforced (perhaps not with OS-level file permissions given that we seem to still be stuck with FAT for USB storage, but certainly by the B2G monitor) and that could be described in a far less scary way.

It is, of course, even better if the monitor can infer user intention to allow an app to create, update, or delete a _specific file_ from user actions, powerbox-style.

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