Jim Straus a écrit :
   I definitely don't like the Android model.  We'll have to figure out
exactly how to communicate permissions requests to users.  On the other
hand, an appropriately vetted and signed app could be given permissions
implicitly in a permissions manifest, so the user doesn't need to deal
with it.  Also, some kind of heuristics may make it possible for the
permissions manager to deal with things internally, again not bothering
the user.  These are areas that need thought and experimentation.

The Android model is broken, but so was the permission pop-up model.

As ROC said some months ago, the <input type="file"> permission model just happens to work properly. It can be the model for a good solution if we properly understand why it works.

So what is needed IMO :
- Find a way to not ask the user at all
  To get that :
- don't give the application access to no-GUI API layer that they can abuse - give them access to an entry point that controls the GUI of the sensible part - allows an application to call an interface with a GUI only when it has focus - opaque elements are a good pivot to make this work. They can render safe something that would be very dangerous if not opaque.

- If that fails and you do have to ask, ask to allow a feature, never ask to authorize access to some technical elements the average user understand nothing about - In some case, the GUI could just *inform* the user, instead of asking. Maybe the user just needs to be informed that an app is currently requiring his location. - Role isolation can help too. Access to contacts is not actually dangerous if you have no network access and cannot transmit them to another application.

To implement that you will need :
- A list of preexisting modules that handle safely the most often needed sensible functionalities - An extensibility mechanism that will allow to create new modules to handle cases that the preexisting one don't handle properly. It will be long, slow and hard to create one compared to just creating a normal application, and the code will have to be fully audited (probably only open source modules will be possible) - Application won't need any authorization, because they are not allowed to do anything sensible directly. They may however be linked to a list of the sensible module they use, so that you can audit that, and react if one is a bit strange. Also, we could end up with some module that will only be safe if the application strictly limited in what else it can do. In concrete terms : You would be allowed to request full and complete access to contacts, but then you become a contact management application that has access to *nothing* else. That would be the role isolation protection layer.
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