On 13/03/12 04:04 AM, Chris Lee wrote:
Hi all,

The team will be putting together and documenting a proposal for the overall 
permissions/security/privacy model for B2G.

At this time, the mailing list and email threads are to openly discuss ideas 
around what the overall team believes are key needs for this work.

The goal is to work closely with the community and larger team to ensure we're 
not missing important requirements and then prioritize/focus on what needs to 
be built based on the timeline we've agreed upon with our partners.

Feel free to ping me if you any specific questions on the roadmap/schedule.

I'm missing an introduction to the business problem, and a set of requirements. Are they written down as yet? Or is this round table, totally unstructured?


PS: +1 to lkcl luke


On Mar 11, 2012, at 6:48 AM, lkcl luke wrote:

On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Dean Landolt<d...@deanlandolt.com>  wrote:

Regardless of the prompts and dialogs chosen it's critical -- for both devs
and laymen -- to be able to able to get quick access to a detailed list of
capability grants for any given application from the application itself. And
not just for b2g and mobile -- it should be right there with view-source,
fundamental to gecko.

again, it is worth repeating: this recommended requirement needs to

could someone please for the love of god take responsibility for that
task and actually make an announcement "we have created a wiki page
here {insert location} and are coordinating all requirements at that
specific location".

if you do not have anyone who is actually doing that nor does anyone
have time to actually do so then it is indicative that the B2G project
requires an additional funded post, paid for by the mozilla
foundation, doesn't it?

you cannot leave something like the security model of the B2G system
run along as an "arbitrary meandering path" that is completely
uncoordinated.  it's too fundamental and critical to the success of
the project.

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