after seeing in the page that the scope of the
security model discussion is *specifically* restricted to "apps" i am
rather concerned and alarm bells are ringing, so i raised the above

in the process of raising that bugreport, i had to of course select a
component.  the list of components showed this:
"Boot2Gecko is Mozilla's complete operating system built on web standards"

in case the critical words haven't sunk in, i'll highlight them:
"Boot2Gecko is Mozilla's >>complete operating system<< built on web standards"

as an "outsider" with a great deal of experience in different embedded
linux operating systems, mobile phone technology, web technology, and
SE/Linux, i'm seeing the discussion here as being primarily focussed
around "that which the mozilla team members know best" - web
technology *only*, and it's of some concern.

so although the goal is "create a complete operating system", that
goal cannot be taken seriously unless the security model takes into
consideration the *entire* operating system.

if you don't have the people in-house on the B2G team with the
experience to tackle this, then you need to bring people in who *do*
have the experience and the expertise.

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