On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 23:01:49 -0700
Jonas Sicking wrote:

> A natural way that
> > this occurs is that you have separate "read" and "write" permissions, and
> > then you create a new action that involves both read and write actions.  
> So far I don't think we've run into this need. I'd be curious to know
> where Android did.

This is a widely used and quite effective security mechanism that web
technologies are trouncing on. Quite rediculous as web tech should have
a requirement to be more secure.

OpenBSD have been using W^X for years, now intel have NX bit cpus
speeding grsecurity's equivelent up in hardware requiring a PAE kernel
on linux reducing your potential available memory to 2GB I think, so not
used much, I do.

Android is basically a JAVA machine. Incidentally JAVA is touted as
some secure cross platform service. In fact, it is seen as completely
insecure in security circles. I'm sure the Google devs know this but it
brings a legacy of code and apps that helps make Android a success.

Firefox won't even run without Just In Time executions (readable and
writeable memory locations) on a gresecurity enabled kernel which kills
this behaviour. Most browsing sessions don't require this either. It's
quite silly really as it said to be easily worked around by app
developers if coders understood the problem (like PIE). JIT code (like
flash) may be killed by a Grsec kernel on Opera but atleast the browser
still runs. 
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