On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 8:31 AM, Lucas Adamski <ladam...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Hi Jonas,
> Thank you for sending this out!  I really like the model overall.
> With sensitive APIs, even if a 3d party vouches for the capabilities of the 
> app, I believe we would still want to communicate that to the user somehow at 
> installation time?  I'm concerned we'd end up with a pretty long and arcane 
> list.  Maybe we could map those to a general "system access" meta-capability.

I think we'll have a lot of freedom in how we construct the UI here
given that in some sense it's mostly "informational". So we can group
things together as needed to reduce UI clutter.

> Actually, does this proposal assume all apps will go through the same 
> installation experience (i.e. do we have the concept of an app without an 
> explicit installation)?

I think for all really sensitive APIs we'd be relying on going through
the installation experience yeah, in order to have the trusted store
validate that access is ok.

For a lot of not quite so sensitive APIs, like geolocation or ability
to add files to DeviceStorage, a simple prompt to the user should be
ok. This could be expressed as a default level for all of these
capabilities for non-installed apps, where we default to "no access"
for the especially sensitive APIs.

/ Jonas
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