Hi Paolo,

> The problem is that forms and report definitions are not documents.
> I know, actually they are documents, but this should be an
> implementation detail and I hope that in future they will be replaced
> from something more suitable than documents.

Call them with another word, if you want :)

The problem persists: Imagine an extension which adds a menu item which
should, say, just display the name of the document-or-how-you-call-it
which lives in the frame to which the menu belongs to.

In the current situation, this extension's code can rely on
ThisComponent being the, well, component in the frame to which the menu
belongs. So, whatever it wants to do with the component, it can use

If we had ThisComponent point to the database document, then such code
would be more complex, to distinguish between "sub components" and "top
level components".

The basic problem here is that in the past, "ThisComponent" was
effectively used for two different purposes: For a Basic macro which is
embedded in a document, it *always* refers to this document. For a Basic
macro located elsewhere, it *always* refers to the *currently active*
document. (where the problem that "currently active" is not really a
well-defined term across different platforms and window managers shall
be ignored for the moment).

With putting macros into database documents, but allowed to run the
macros from the sub components of the document, this was not possible
anymore, since now you suddenly can invoke, from within one component, a
macro which is embedded into another component. So, we *needed* to
separate those two meanings, the question was just which meaning of
ThisComponent should be preserved.

I still think that defining ThisComponent as "the component from which
the macro was invoked" (as opposed to "the component which the macro is
embedded into") was the better choice, and causes less hassle. Finally,
this means that only newly written code needs to care for the new
concept. If we had changed ThisComponent otherwise, then every existing
code (implementing such a functionality as sketched above) would have
needed to be rewritten.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         frank.schoenh...@sun.com -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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