On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, Aaron Bannert wrote:

> Flood is there to test the server. Serf is a (nonexistant) client
> library, initially slated for HTTP but not necessarily protocol
> specific. They are both in the correct places.

Couple of things.  APR-serf is only ever going to support HTTP.  That was
in fact a requirement when the project was accepted.  We specifically
stated that there were other projects with acceptable licesnses that do
multiple protocols, we were only interested in HTTP.

> > To me, APR is only about raw system-level portability - not about
> > producing portable libraries.  I'm confused how that got distorted
> > the way it has.  -- justin
> APR is whatever we want it to be. If we start building things on
> top of APR that are functionally distinct from other projects under
> the ASF, then I believe it makes sense to keep them as subprojects
> of APR. Either we extend the meaning of APR to mean "any portable
> libraries" or we take away the "server" in "HTTP Server Project".

APR is NOT what we make it.  The APR project has a VERY well defined
mission and goal.  Take a look at the web site:

" The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) is to provide a free
library of C data structures and routines, forming a system portability
layer to as many operating systems as possible, including Unices, MS
Win32, BeOS and OS/2. "

This wasn't arbitrary, the mission was decided upon at the start of the
project, and it was approved by the board.  Changing that mission requires
acceptance by the entire PMC, and the board must approve it.


Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

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