Here’s your digest for today! 
undefined: [UPDATE] continued to go over the instantiation refactoring. It is a 
long review =). But it will be finished tomorrow.
undefined: [UPDATE] i hope <@U53FAA5HP> or <@U546PEP9S> can verify my fixes to 
the PR and merge...


meanwhile working on the cloudify adapter. well, it seems our tests there were 
locked on aria 0.1.0, and there have been a *lot* of changes since. so i'm 
working on fixing a lot of issues that don't yet have anything to do with my PR 
on the aria side.
undefined: i'm hitting an issue with aria requiring networkx 1.9, which 
conflicts with something in the cloudify layer ... HALP!!!
undefined: Sups
 [UPDATE] continued the review for the instantiation module refactory with 



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