Le 24/04/2013 08:15, Sebastien Goasguen a ecrit :
On Apr 23, 2013, at 9:50 AM, Gavin Lee<gavin....@gmail.com>  wrote:

Following Milamber's guide , below process I used for
4.1.xmessage.properties on zh_CN:
1. git pull for the latest messages_zh_CN.properties
2. native2ascii -reverse messages_zh_CN.properties
/tmp/zh_CN.properties.native -encoding utf8
3. copy to the CloudStack_UI transifex project: cp/tmp/zh_CN.properties.native /
4. tx push -l zh_CN -r CloudStack_UI.41xmessageproperties -t
5. Do translation on transifex, there are some untranslated items when
syncing with en.properties
6. tx pull -a

Then convert to ascii with unicode, the i18nedit tools throws exception, I
tried native2ascii command as below and UI display correctly:
native2ascii -encoding UTF-8 zh_CN.properties messages_zh_CN.properties

Are the whole processes above correct or not?

Gavin, I will differt o milamber on this one, he is working on this to clean up 
the encoding and provide scripts that can make us go back and forth between the 
source and transifex cleanly.

Exactly, I've works on this. Please give some times to do this ;-)


On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:01 AM, Sebastien Goasguen<run...@gmail.com>wrote:

Milamber, I made you a manager of the transifex project so you can help
fixing those issues.


On Apr 22, 2013, at 11:10 AM, Milamber<milam...@apache.org>  wrote:

Le 17/04/2013 07:26, Sebastien Goasguen a ecrit :
On Apr 16, 2013, at 11:10 AM, Milamber<milam...@apache.org>   wrote:

Le 16/04/2013 13:41, Gavin Lee a ecrit :
Yes, Traditional Chinese moving very quickly.
Hopefully, the other languages can have more contributors.

For the UI part, I saw the characters are not recognizable (browser
encoding setting: auto detect&    Unicode UTF-8):
ja: http://snag.gy/AVsbU.jpg
zh_CN: http://snag.gy/MxbBS.jpg
This screenshots shows some characters with a incorrect encoding (try
to display a char as a ISO-8859-1 (or japanese charset) but the encoding is
a UTF-8, I think)
With Sebgoa, we have correct all UI ressource file to have only one
encoding charset in this files (ASCII with unicode). The transifex data
isn't up-to-date.
Sebgoa, I think we must upload the last version of this (all)
resources files (except FR already done) from branch 4.1 to transifex.
The last version of resources files is ASCII with unicode for *all
chars* in each file, and now transifex keep the unicode char (check with FR
download for use)
Mistake: transifex don't support uploaded unicode chars.

The way the original workflow was:
-Upload new versions of the resources file in english
-Translators create a new language in transifex.
-Download new language resources file
-Fix encoding
For the fix encoding step, we can use this (unix and JDK) commands for
each language:


# Convert to ascii with unicode (native2ascii is a JDK tool)
native2ascii ${FILE_TRANSIFEX} /tmp/${FILE_RES}.ascii-with-unicode

# sort key, add a double-backslash before the quote char ( ' ==>  \\' )
grep -v "^#" /tmp/${FILE_RES}.ascii-with-unicode | sort -f | uniq | sed
# Define Apache Licence Header (one long line)
AL2_STRING="# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under
one\n# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file\n#
distributed with this work for additional information\n# regarding
copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file\n# to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the\n# \"License\"); you may not use this file except
in compliance\n# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
at\n#\n#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n#\n# Unless
required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,\n# software distributed
under the License is distributed on an\n# \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY\n# KIND, either express or implied.  See
the License for the\n# specific language governing permissions and
limitations\n# under the License."
# Re-introduce the AL2 header
echo -e "$AL2_STRING" | cat -

So I never uploaded the language specific resource file to transifex.
Won't we have a problem that they won't stay in sync with the en-US
resource file, if it gets changed ?
On upload, Transifex seems only get the matching key with source
In any case I uploaded the ja-JP resource file and the result on
transifex is less than optimal, check the unreviewed strings, there is a
mix of encoding.
We needs to revert the native to ascii convert.
We can use this steps for each language before uploading on transifex :


# Revert convert
native2ascii -reverse ${FILE_RES} /tmp/${FILE_RES}.native1

# Remove double backslashes before quote
sed "s/\\\\\\\'/'/g" /tmp/${FILE_RES}.native1>  ${FILE_RES}.native

I've tested this commandes for download/upload with French language, and
just for download with ko_KR, it_IT, ca, ja, pt_BR.

I can make one shell script to automate this, and put in a tools dir in
CS git repo.


The other languages are ok.

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 8:25 PM, Sebastien Goasguen<run...@gmail.com

There has been some terrific progress on the translations.

The easiest way to share it is to check the Transifex dashboard,
below are
some screenshots:

The runbook:

The UI:

The entire docs set:

Since 4.1 is not out yet, there is time to finish those last 3% on
the UI

Keep getting the word out, forward to friends and let's all make
CloudStack a truly worldwide project.




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