On 7 Dec 2003, at 11:12, John Morrison wrote:

Hi All,

Sorry for the off topic posting, but I've been thinking about
upgrading my laptop and you guys have been saying how good
the modern Macs are :)

I was wondering if you'd tell me which Mac you have and
whether you'd buy one again :)

Ohh... And the list starts. At home we have:

PowerBook 15" Alluminum 1.25 Ghz:
   my laptop, best ever... had problems with the screen
   (white spots) Apple replaced it no-question-asked
   in 48 hours almost 3 months after I bought it (oh,
   and I bought it in a completely different country,
   so international support _works_)

PowerMac G4 Dual/800 Mhz:
   my video editing machine at home. never had a problem
   it is up-and-running since 2 years no-stop, had to
   reboot it yesterday when I installed panther. uptime
   was 3 months

Cube G4 450 Mhz:
        I have this one since ages... Probably 4 years or
    something like that... I bought it at Fry's when I
    was still living in California. I never -ever- had
    a problem... Only drawback is the power button a little
    bit over sensitive (it's a light sensor), but once
    you get used to it, no problems...

At the office:

iMac 17" 800 Mhz:
        One of my latest toys, which I got because I was fed
    up with CRTs at work... It's not the fastest machine
    ever, but it's still able to compile Cocoon decently.

PowerMac G4 466 Mhz:
        Same as Apache's "MOOF", it's my personal intranet
    server (and dev machine)... Old fart, but working,
    never a problem...

xServe Dual/1.33 Ghz:
        We have one of those in the shop for testing... We
    need to upgrade our live web servers, and as far as
    my testing goes one of those babies is as fast as a
    4 processor Sun E-3500/450, and offers a wider data
    path. At the end of the day, a machine that costs
    roughly 5000 US$, beats the hell out of a machine
    that costs twice as much ONLY on yearly maintenance
    contracts. And you should see the Java performance
    on this one!!! We're probably going to get 3 of
    them in January...

At the end of the day, would I buy another one? Bhahaha! Guess! If you need to buy a laptop, however, make sure that if you buy a PowerBook 15" Alluminum, it has the NEW screen already, so that it won't develop the famous "white spots"... The first batch of them had a defective screen, there must be some of them still in the retail chain...


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