On 7 Dec 2003, at 06:29, Robert Koberg wrote:

John Morrison wrote:

Hi All,
Sorry for the off topic posting, but I've been thinking about
upgrading my laptop and you guys have been saying how good
the modern Macs are :)
I was wondering if you'd tell me which Mac you have and
whether you'd buy one again :)
PS, I've never owned a Mac before.
PPS, if you want to email me about this off list; that's
fine too :)

If you are intent on doing this I would wait until the laptops come with a g5.

nah, that's going to take forever... they want to go liquid cooling but it's still a lot of engineering to do since it's the first time ever.

Buy an alluminum G4 right now. Buy 1Gb of RAM or any java IDE will kill you ;-)

They are very nice looking from a fashion victim point of view. And the video chat looks pretty interesting (though I would not get a .mac account). Sound and video simply sounds and looks much on a mac. However, the support for java is a pain in the ass. You have to do it 'their way' with the jdk the ship and update. They do not support 1.4.2. I switch between osx, windows and linux. Windows is always the easiest for me with regard to java.

[not want to start a flamewar, but]

you gotta be kidding.

yeah, you are supposed to do it their way... but their way is actually much better than any other way I've seen out there. 1.4.2 is currently in beta (works great on server side [never had a problem], a few issues with swing and AWT still to fix [eclipse has some areas displaced by 50 pixels, bah)

macosx is the only operating system where you can run a client side java application *without noticing* it's a java application. [they even have a tool called "jar boundler" that packages jars for mac] double click and go... all the fancy icons, java menus on the top of the screen, even aqua brushed metal look. Sweeeet.

As for server side, just type "java" from the command line, how hard is that?

Yeah, your JAVA_HOME is


instead of


big deal.

Ah, did I mention symlinks? try doing that on windows.


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