Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Reinhard Pötz wrote:

Tim Larson wrote:


+1 'cforms' instead of just 'forms'

I'm +1 for "forms" only - as Vadim pointed out, it's "Cocoon" is obvious because it's within the Cocoon CVS.

Ok, we (where we stands for Vadim, Tim, Bertrand, and Rolf) had a little chat on IRC and agreed on the following:

  Block Title: Cocoon Forms, or Cocoon Forms 1.0
  Block Name: cforms
  Package: org.apache.cocoon.cforms
  NS Prefix: fd

Title goes to documentation, samples, wiki, etc. Package name "cforms" and block name "cforms" will allow possibility of parallel development of the next generation "Cocoon Forms 2.0" (block name dforms ;-)), when/if it happens. Namespace suggests that Cocoon Forms 1.0 is one and only official forms framework. Namespace prefix "fd" stands for "forms definition".

Do we have a consensus now? Please chime in on IRC (somebody will have to count votes then), or here :-)


+1 from me!


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