Marc Portier wrote:

another argument for having [cforms] from my side was that you could never confuse it with the known english word 'form' that could mean an HTML form, a paper-form, a whatever formalism or whatnot... in discussions on these lists, and thus possibly introducing confusion that can be avoided

I find myself selfdebating here.

I'm 60% on forms "everywhere" and 40% on +1 the proposal.

the reason for using "forms" everywhere is that I want people to fight for having their features in, instead of going their own way with another block.

Scratchpad blocks are awesome as a way to cover new ground and propose new functionality, but once we start supporting them officially, well, the things change.

This is why the name change:

 - woody was a proposal
 - Cocoon Forms are *the way* cocoon is going to handle forms from now on

in a few years, there might be nothing left from woody in Cocoon Forms.

Now, as I was explaining in IRC today, the scenario I want to avoid is people coming up with, say "sforms" or "cform++" or "cform#" and branch off.

This is my *only* concern.

I would go "forms" all the way, in everything: namespaces and package names... but Marc is right: "form" is too general as a term. We could do it with sitemap or flowscript because they were descriptive yet special enough. Forms clearly not descriptive enough.

So, let's go over the proposal again:

Block Title: Cocoon Forms, or Cocoon Forms 1.0

+1 for Cocoon Forms (no need to mention the version now)

Block Name: cforms

+1, I would like forms better but we need to state cforms somewhere

Package: org.apache.cocoon.cforms

here I would go "forms" instead. package naming is where the estate really is, where class collissions might happen.



NS Prefix: fd

+0, doesn't really matter.

So, to sum up, here is my proposal:

  Block Title: Cocoon Forms
  Block Name: cforms
  Package: org.apache.cocoon.forms


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