Ugo Cei wrote:

Il giorno 12/lug/04, alle 18:23, Marc Portier ha scritto:

think so too, just needs more wild thinking and somebody doing :-)

Since I'm getting more and more bored with my daytime job, I ended up doing something:

Comments are welcome, flames > /dev/null.

This looks like an interesting "revolution" in Cocoon land :-)

If you want to do it, and it will be really interesting if you do, here are some tips:

In particular, here are the relevant parts:

To allow this to happen, to allow revolutionaries to
  co-exist with evolutionaries, I'm proposing the following
  as official Jakarta policy:

    1) Any committer has the right to go start a
    revolution. They can establish a branch or seperate
    whiteboard directory in which to go experiment with new
    code seperate from the main trunk. The only
    responsibility a committer has when they do this is to
    inform the developer group what their intent is, to keep
    the group updated on their progress, and allowing others
    who want to help out to do so.  The committer, and the
    group of people who he/she has a attracted are free to
    take any approaches they want to free of interference.

    2) When a revolution is ready for prime time, the
    committer proposes a merge to the -dev list. At that
    time, the overall community evaluates whether or not the
    code is ready to become part of, or to potentially
    replace the, trunk. Suggestions may be made, changes may
    be required. Once all issues have been taken care of and
    the merge is approved, the new code becomes the trunk.

    3) A revolution branch is unversioned.  It doesn't have
    any official version standing. This allows several
    parallel tracks of development to occur with the final
    authority of what eventually ends up on the trunk laying
    with the entire community of committers.

    4) The trunk is the official versioned line of the
    project. All evolutionary minded people are welcome to
    work on it to improve it. Evolutionary work is important
    and should not stop as it is always unclear when any
    particular revolution will be ready for prime time or
    whether it will be officially accepted.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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