Ugo Cei wrote:
> Since I'm getting more and more bored with my daytime job, I ended up
> doing something:
> Comments are welcome, flames > /dev/null.


1. "Butterfly is an experiment aiming to implement a (simplified)
Cocoon clone but based on Spring instead of Hibernate" Don't you mean:
"based on Spring instead of Avalon"

2. "Strive for 100% unit test coverage" A bit of a red herring. You
don't want code coverage as much as state coverage. For example:

    /** Divides two numbers. If b == 0, returns 0. */
    public static void divide (int a, int b) { return a/b; }


    public void testDivide () { assert divide (4, 2) == 2 };

Which doesn't test the case where b == 0.


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