Upayavira wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> >Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> >>David Crossley a ?crit :
> >>
> >>>...Using the grep javadocs method does not find any
> >>>serializers, actions, matchers, selectors.
> >>>
> >>Why, can't you grep their base interfaces like:
> >> for i in $(egrep -rl 'SitemapModelComponent|OtherBaseInterface|Other)?
> >
> >Oh, i haven't tried that. I expected all sitemap components to have
> >SitemapModelComponent, but evidently not.
> I just used "SitemapModelComponent" as something of a throwaway comment, 

Ah, i see now. Your comment sounded definitive.

> actually, if you search for
> http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/apidocs/org/apache/cocoon/generation/Generator.html,
> http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/apidocs/org/apache/cocoon/transformation/Transformer.html,
> etc, in the Javadoc files, you _will_ get everything!
> >>Also, how about defining a marker interface for components that need to 
> >>be documented in this way? AutoDocumentedComponent extends Component or 
> >>something like this.
> >
> >At the moment i am trying to get a list of all possible
> >sitemap components, so that we know which components should
> >be documented.
> >
> >When we know that, then we can add such a marker to the
> >relevant components. Actually the SitemapTask will handle that
> >because it searches for the javadoc-like comments, e.g.
> >@cocoon.sitemap.component.name
> >http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/plan/review-sitemap-docs.html#Introduction
> Yup, once marked up, we'll be there. But a simple script we can run 
> everyso often to ensure that we haven't added new ones without markup 
> would be useful.

Yes, my first task is twofold:
- find all possible components
- develop a shell script which will scan the code and match against
the coordination table.


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