> On Dec 14, 2017, at 10:56 AM, Kevin A. McGrail <kevin.mcgr...@mcgrail.com> 
> wrote:
> On 12/14/2017 9:12 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
>> ApacheCon will still exist. That is certainly the plan. The board approved a 
>> substantial amount of money for ApacheCon to continue to exist.
>> What's frustrating to me is all the people spreading the message that 
>> ApacheCon is no longer going to exist. This is making my job a lot harder, 
>> because everyone I approach already "knows" that ApacheCon is no longer 
>> going to exist. 
> Great point, Rich!  I did not realize your frustration on that. ApacheCon's 
> are/will still happen!  It's just changing companies for HOW we do it so we 
> don't have a WHEN it will happen yet.
> For those who care, with my ASF hats, lots of discussion and budgets etc. 
> about great events across lists with active discussions for an EU based event 
> in 2Q 2018 as well as a 1day AC event in the DC area in 2018 as well.  And 
> I'm doing very initial work trying to make one happen in Western Africa where 
> I see a need.
> The only thing that has occurred is AC 2018 won't be happening with the same 
> firm that was helping us before which was LF.  LF are great partners but it 
> wasn't a fit and we exited on friendly terms. You'll likely see them help / 
> attend our future events, just not organize them.
>>> BarCamp and project Summits are great, we do 2 every year in my primary 
>>> projects. In an ideal world, I’d still like to see an ApacheCon with a 3 or 
>>> 4 days program:
>>> * 1-2 days of BarCamp / Project Summits, at the conference location, 
>>> sponsored for any projects who wants to organize one. I’m OK with requiring 
>>> an ApacheCon registration go participate here.
>>> * 2 days of a topic based, 2-track Apache related conference. I would 
>>> strongly encourage that we broaden the horizon here, such that a talk would 
>>> not necessarily need to be specific to one (or a few). Almost everyone is 
>>> using at least one Apache Project for any solution they made, and I think 
>>> it’d be interesting to learn more about how ASF projects are used together 
>>> with other projects for example.
>> What you describe here is indeed exactly what the plan is. I need help to 
>> make it happen.
> And to be clear, I've attended similar 1 day events called a Barcamp which 
> was non-project specific, 1 day event.  Call it a miniAC or a barcamp or 
> whatever, I'm not worried about the name.  It would be in the DC area because 
> Hadrian & I are here and we think we can pull it together.   Right now, I'm 
> working on a location and a date that location is available because I want 
> the space donated and beggars can't be choosers.  I'll try and keep options 
> open and find a place that might be able to do 2 days and call it AC 2018 but 
> I'll start smaller and see what is feasible with Rich and other experienced 
> players weighing in.

I’m slightly confused. I think you are saying that you want to split off, and 
do a “Barcamp” (or whatever we call it :), separate from AC as Rich Bowen is 
planning? I’m a bit -1 on that, a big driver for getting people to both 
“Barcamps (Summits in my case) and ApacheCon is that they are adjacent (time 
wise) and in the same physical location. This really helps with getting 
approval for travel etc. from various companies /employers.

This doesn’t imply that we should *not* do separate BarCamps / events, that’s 
always been happening (we do two summits / year for my  projects, with only one 
obviously adjacent to ACNA). So it’s possible I’m just confused, and we’re 
asking / saying the same things here.


— Leif
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