Leif we had an AC 2017 and we are talking about a colocated AC2018 eu.  So i 
thought a one day us barcamp might be a nice mixup.

I am looking at space and will respond in a bit.  With the holidays it 
might.take a while to.pin down a space.

On December 12, 2017 2:18:02 PM EST, Leif Hedstrom <zw...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On Dec 12, 2017, at 6:34 AM, Kevin A. McGrail
><kevin.mcgr...@mcgrail.com> wrote:
>> On 12/12/2017 8:26 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
>>> Unclear what distinction you're making here. Apachecon is of course
>>> for "apache conference". The brand has a following.
>> The distinction is I am looking at something smaller like a BarCamp
>level event not an AC level event.
>I can definitely see the value in this, but it's somewhat saddening if
>ApacheCon as a conference would no longer exist :-/. But, if it’s not a
>viable Conference, we should stop wasting our time / money...
>BarCamp and project Summits are great, we do 2 every year in my primary
>projects. In an ideal world, I’d still like to see an ApacheCon with a
>3 or 4 days program:
>* 1-2 days of BarCamp / Project Summits, at the conference location,
>sponsored for any projects who wants to organize one. I’m OK with
>requiring an ApacheCon registration go participate here.
>* 2 days of a topic based, 2-track Apache related conference. I would
>strongly encourage that we broaden the horizon here, such that a talk
>would not necessarily need to be specific to one (or a few). Almost
>everyone is using at least one Apache Project for any solution they
>made, and I think it’d be interesting to learn more about how ASF
>projects are used together with other projects for example.
>— leif
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