Thank you. I lean to agreement w/ Andrew that more meaningful pull
reqs are better and having named branches for what they do makes
sense. Also agree that tags are for points in time---but I take no
exception to a branch for those as well for dev purposes.

Let me try to capture the conversation to this point:

- Master gets deleted. We want meaningful pull requests and this will
force folks to pick a branch to dev against.
- Stable: This is stable and frozen on the last tagged release.
- Dev: The next release to be tagged. Feature branches merged from
master when confident. This should build cleanly.
- Unstable: the current working branch. Feature branches merged as
needed for collaboration. No guarantee it builds.

- Happen on the Stable branch.

- Everyone works from local feature branch rebasing and committing to
Unstable as neccessary.
- When that feature branch is considered good enough, it is merged into Dev.
- On release date whatever is Dev is rebased to Stable. Tagged. Released.


On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 7:02 AM, Marcel Kinard <> wrote:
> Poking this thread. So is there consensus on how to do this? If so, can this
> be summarized and written up, perhaps on the ContributorWorkflow /
> CommiterWorkflow wiki pages?
> And when would we want to start operating with this, 2.4/now or later?
> -- Marcel Kinard

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