I’ve ran the mobile-spec tests on android 4.0.3 with 4.0.x and there are some 
failures. I’ve searched the jira for issues but wasn’t able to find any. Has 
anyone else ran into these issues before?

org.apache.cordova.contacts.tests.tests >> Contacts (navigator.contacts) Round 
trip Contact tests (creating + save + delete + find). Contacts.spec.24 
Creating, saving, finding a contact should work, after which we should not be 
able to find it, and we should not be able to delete it again.
•       Expected 2 to be 1
•       Expected 1 to be 0
         it("contacts.spec.24 Creating, saving, finding a contact should work, 
removing it should work, after which we should not be able to find it, and we 
should not be able to delete it again.", function (done) {
              // Save method is not supported on Windows platform
              if (isWindows) {
              if (isWindowsPhone8) {
              gContactObj = new Contact();
              gContactObj.name = new ContactName();
              gContactObj.name.familyName = "DeleteMe";
              gContactObj.save(function(c_obj) {
                  var findWin = function(cs) {
                      // update to have proper saved id
                      gContactObj = cs[0];
                      gContactObj.remove(function() {
                          var findWinAgain = function(seas) {
                              gContactObj.remove(function() {
                                  throw("success callback called after 
non-existent Contact object called remove(). Test failed.");
                              }, function(e) {
                          var findFailAgain = function(e) {
                              throw("find error callback invoked after delete, 
test failed.");
                          var obj = new ContactFindOptions();
                          navigator.contacts.find(["displayName", "name", 
"phoneNumbers", "emails"], findWinAgain, findFailAgain, obj);
                      }, function(e) {
                          throw("Newly created contact's remove function 
invoked error callback. Test failed.");
                  var findFail = fail;
                  var obj = new ContactFindOptions();
                  navigator.contacts.find(["displayName", "name", 
"phoneNumbers", "emails"], findWin, findFail, obj);
              }, fail);

org.apache.cordova.file.tests.test >> file api filereader file.spec.81 
(couldn’t find a JIRA issue)
•       Expected `` to be null
        describe('FileReader', function () {
            it("file.spec.81 should have correct methods", function () {
                var reader = new FileReader();
                expect(typeof reader.readAsBinaryString).toBe('function');
                expect(typeof reader.readAsDataURL).toBe('function');
                expect(typeof reader.readAsText).toBe('function');
                expect(typeof reader.readAsArrayBuffer).toBe('function');
                expect(typeof reader.abort).toBe('function');
                //////////// test below fails ////////////
                ////////////   '' !== null    ////////////

org.apache.cordova.file.tests.tests >> file api parent references file.spec.111 
(couldn’t find a fire issue):
•       root.getFile succeeds, it is expected to fail.
var fileName = "traverse.file.uri";
                // create a new file entry
                createFile(fileName, function (entry) {
                    // lookup file system entry
                    root.getFile('../' + fileName, {
                        create : false
                    }, succeed.bind(null, done, "root.getFile('../"+fileName+ 
"')- Unexpected success callback, it should not traverse abvoe the root 
                    function (error) { //.....

org.apache.cordova.file-transfer.tests.tests >> FileTransfer methods download 
filetransfer.spec.6 should get 401 status on http basic auth failure
•       Expected null to be 401
                it('filetransfer.spec.6 should get 401 status on http basic 
auth failure', function (done) {

                    // NOTE:
                    //      using server without credentials
                    var fileURL = SERVER + '/download_basic_auth';

                    var downloadFail = function (error) {
                        expect(error.http_status).not.toBe(404, "Ensure " + 
fileURL + " is in the white list");

                    transfer.download(fileURL, localFilePath, 
unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin, downloadFail);

org.apache.cordova.geolocation.tests.tests >> getCurrentPosition method success 
callback geolocation.spec.6 should be called with a position object
•       Expected true to be false
            it("geolocation.spec.6 should be called with a Position object", 
function (done) {
                // this test asks for using geolocation and interrupts 
autotests running.
                // That's why we have to pending that for Windows Store 8.0/8.1 
                if (isWindowsStore) {
                navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (p) {
                fail.bind(null, done),
                    maximumAge: 300000 // 5 minutes maximum age of cached 

org.apache.cordova.geolocation.tests.tests >> watchPosition method success 
callback geolocation.spec.8 should be called with a  position object
•       Expected true to be false
            it("geolocation.spec.8 should be called with a Position object", 
function (done) {
                // this test asks for using geolocation and interrupts 
autotests running.
                // That's why we have to pending that for Windows Store 8.0/8.1 
                if (isWindowsStore) {
                successWatch = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(
                    function (p) {
                    fail.bind(null, done),
                        maximumAge: (5 * 60 * 1000) // 5 minutes maximum age of 
cached position

-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Bavari [mailto:jbav...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 8:30 AM
To: dev@cordova.apache.org
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Cordova-Android 4.0.0 Release

Joe and team,

I work for Ionic and I've had some involvement with the Cordova project since 
last year. At Ionic, we've released a Crosswalk build using Cordova Android 4.0 
so we can use the cordova crosswalk engine for the ionic platform.

I've been working with Ian and Andrew on this to gather more understanding and 
to get some help along the way. I must say, excellent work, everyone.

As such, we've accumulated quite a bit of users who are actively using Cordova 
Android 4.0. Currently, we've had over 10k test trials with it, and I'm happy 
to say, mostly it's been smooth.

What I've done is made a fork to adjust a few small things, but for the most 
part, we're using 4.0.

I'd love to provide any more feedback that you'd wish.

Thanks again for the awesome work.

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 9:21 AM, Joe Bowser <bows...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey
> So, it's finally here.  I want to see us work more on Pluggable 
> Webviews, and adding the API, but I think it's time that we released 
> what we've been working on for almost a year to our users.  I know 
> that the API isn't exactly the most awesome we can make it, but it 
> works, and I'd rather have it out at 80% than it sitting for a few more 
> months in limbo.
> Are there any major blocking tasks that would prevent a vote thread 
> that anyone knows about, or should we start firing up a release?  I 
> don't think we're going to make our January date, but the first week 
> of February isn't that terrible.
> Thoughts?
> Joe

"Clear thoughts produce clear results."
Josh Bavari
Application Developer
Phone: 405-509-9448
Cell: 405-812-0496
Email: jbav...@gmail.com

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