Reminder: failures with plugins are not blockers.  I've run into that
contact issue numerous times when testing with my personal device.  I
recommend making sure that your contacts are completely clean so that you
don't get these weird results.

The file failures have been happening for quite a while, and those are not
blockers for the platform release either.  Do these failures happen on a
platform other than ICS?

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015, 9:06 AM Murat Sutunc <> wrote:

> I’ve ran the mobile-spec tests on android 4.0.3 with 4.0.x and there are
> some failures. I’ve searched the jira for issues but wasn’t able to find
> any. Has anyone else ran into these issues before?
> org.apache.cordova.contacts.tests.tests >> Contacts (navigator.contacts)
> Round trip Contact tests (creating + save + delete + find).
> Contacts.spec.24 Creating, saving, finding a contact should work, after
> which we should not be able to find it, and we should not be able to delete
> it again.
> •       Expected 2 to be 1
> •       Expected 1 to be 0
>          it("contacts.spec.24 Creating, saving, finding a contact should
> work, removing it should work, after which we should not be able to find
> it, and we should not be able to delete it again.", function (done) {
>               // Save method is not supported on Windows platform
>               if (isWindows) {
>                   pending();
>                   return;
>               }
>               if (isWindowsPhone8) {
>                   done();
>                   return;
>               }
>               gContactObj = new Contact();
>      = new ContactName();
>      = "DeleteMe";
>      {
>                   var findWin = function(cs) {
>                       expect(cs.length).toBe(1);
>                       // update to have proper saved id
>                       gContactObj = cs[0];
>                       gContactObj.remove(function() {
>                           var findWinAgain = function(seas) {
>                               expect(seas.length).toBe(0);
>                               gContactObj.remove(function() {
>                                   throw("success callback called after
> non-existent Contact object called remove(). Test failed.");
>                               }, function(e) {
>                                   expect(e.code).toBe(ContactErr
>                                   done();
>                               });
>                           };
>                           var findFailAgain = function(e) {
>                               throw("find error callback invoked after
> delete, test failed.");
>                           };
>                           var obj = new ContactFindOptions();
>                           obj.filter="DeleteMe";
>                           obj.multiple=true;
>                           navigator.contacts.find(["displayName", "name",
> "phoneNumbers", "emails"], findWinAgain, findFailAgain, obj);
>                       }, function(e) {
>                           throw("Newly created contact's remove function
> invoked error callback. Test failed.");
>                       });
>                   };
>                   var findFail = fail;
>                   var obj = new ContactFindOptions();
>                   obj.filter="DeleteMe";
>                   obj.multiple=true;
>                   navigator.contacts.find(["displayName", "name",
> "phoneNumbers", "emails"], findWin, findFail, obj);
>               }, fail);
>           });
> org.apache.cordova.file.tests.test >> file api filereader file.spec.81
> (couldn’t find a JIRA issue)
> •       Expected `` to be null
>         describe('FileReader', function () {
>             it("file.spec.81 should have correct methods", function () {
>                 var reader = new FileReader();
>                 expect(reader).toBeDefined();
>                 expect(typeof reader.readAsBinaryString).toBe('function');
>                 expect(typeof reader.readAsDataURL).toBe('function');
>                 expect(typeof reader.readAsText).toBe('function');
>                 expect(typeof reader.readAsArrayBuffer).toBe('function');
>                 expect(typeof reader.abort).toBe('function');
>                 //////////// test below fails ////////////
>                 ////////////   '' !== null    ////////////
>                 expect(reader.result).toBe(null);
>             });
>         });
> org.apache.cordova.file.tests.tests >> file api parent references
> file.spec.111 (couldn’t find a fire issue):
> •       root.getFile succeeds, it is expected to fail.
> var fileName = "traverse.file.uri";
>                 // create a new file entry
>                 createFile(fileName, function (entry) {
>                     // lookup file system entry
>                     root.getFile('../' + fileName, {
>                         create : false
>                     }, succeed.bind(null, done,
> "root.getFile('../"+fileName+ "')- Unexpected success callback, it should
> not traverse abvoe the root directory"),
>                     function (error) { //.....
> org.apache.cordova.file-transfer.tests.tests >> FileTransfer methods
> download filetransfer.spec.6 should get 401 status on http basic auth
> failure
> •       Expected null to be 401
>                 it('filetransfer.spec.6 should get 401 status on http
> basic auth failure', function (done) {
>                     // NOTE:
>                     //      using server without credentials
>                     var fileURL = SERVER + '/download_basic_auth';
>                     var downloadFail = function (error) {
>                         expect(error.http_status).toBe(401);
>                         expect(error.http_status).not.toBe(404, "Ensure "
> + fileURL + " is in the white list");
>                         done();
>                     };
>           , localFilePath,
> unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin, downloadFail);
>                 });
> org.apache.cordova.geolocation.tests.tests >> getCurrentPosition method
> success callback geolocation.spec.6 should be called with a position object
> •       Expected true to be false
>             it("geolocation.spec.6 should be called with a Position
> object", function (done) {
>                 // this test asks for using geolocation and interrupts
> autotests running.
>                 // That's why we have to pending that for Windows Store
> 8.0/8.1 apps
>                 if (isWindowsStore) {
>                     pending();
>                 }
>                 navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (p) {
>                     expect(p.coords).toBeDefined();
>                     expect(p.timestamp).toBeDefined();
>                     done();
>                 },
>                 fail.bind(null, done),
>                 {
>                     maximumAge: 300000 // 5 minutes maximum age of cached
> position
>                 });
>             });
> org.apache.cordova.geolocation.tests.tests >> watchPosition method
> success callback geolocation.spec.8 should be called with a  position object
> •       Expected true to be false
>             it("geolocation.spec.8 should be called with a Position
> object", function (done) {
>                 // this test asks for using geolocation and interrupts
> autotests running.
>                 // That's why we have to pending that for Windows Store
> 8.0/8.1 apps
>                 if (isWindowsStore) {
>                     pending();
>                 }
>                 successWatch = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(
>                     function (p) {
>                         expect(p.coords).toBeDefined();
>                         expect(p.timestamp).toBeDefined();
>                         done();
>                     },
>                     fail.bind(null, done),
>                     {
>                         maximumAge: (5 * 60 * 1000) // 5 minutes maximum
> age of cached position
>                     });
>             });
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Josh Bavari []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 8:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Cordova-Android 4.0.0 Release
> Joe and team,
> I work for Ionic and I've had some involvement with the Cordova project
> since last year. At Ionic, we've released a Crosswalk build using Cordova
> Android 4.0 so we can use the cordova crosswalk engine for the ionic
> platform.
> I've been working with Ian and Andrew on this to gather more understanding
> and to get some help along the way. I must say, excellent work, everyone.
> As such, we've accumulated quite a bit of users who are actively using
> Cordova Android 4.0. Currently, we've had over 10k test trials with it, and
> I'm happy to say, mostly it's been smooth.
> What I've done is made a fork to adjust a few small things, but for the
> most part, we're using 4.0.
> I'd love to provide any more feedback that you'd wish.
> Thanks again for the awesome work.
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 9:21 AM, Joe Bowser <> wrote:
> > Hey
> >
> > So, it's finally here.  I want to see us work more on Pluggable
> > Webviews, and adding the API, but I think it's time that we released
> > what we've been working on for almost a year to our users.  I know
> > that the API isn't exactly the most awesome we can make it, but it
> > works, and I'd rather have it out at 80% than it sitting for a few more
> months in limbo.
> >
> > Are there any major blocking tasks that would prevent a vote thread
> > that anyone knows about, or should we start firing up a release?  I
> > don't think we're going to make our January date, but the first week
> > of February isn't that terrible.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> >
> > Joe
> >
> --
> "Clear thoughts produce clear results."
> Josh Bavari
> Application Developer
> Phone: 405-509-9448
> Cell: 405-812-0496
> Email:
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