On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 13:25:21 +0100, Daniel Carrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I want to make a database, but it has proven to be extremely difficult. I
was hoping someone could suggest alternatives to HSQLDB. What is the
simplest way I can get a usable database, provided that HSQLDB just isn't
going to work? What are the alternatives?

Probably mysql, though I don't know if that runs on solaris. But you can use it over TCP/IP if you have access to any machine running it. Not terribly simple, but very well documented, known to work with OOo, and has string seraches using regular expressions.

-- Andrew Brown What I do: www.darwinwars.com What I'm up to: www.thewormbook.com/helmintholog/

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