Daniel Carrera wrote:
Andrew Brown wrote:

Probably mysql, though I don't know if that runs on solaris. But you can use it over TCP/IP if you have access to any machine running it. Not terribly simple, but very well documented, known to work with OOo, and has string seraches using regular expressions.

Good points. Daniel, which version of Solaris are you running? MySQL 4.0.15 comes with Solaris 10 and is installed by default.

The names of the packages for it are:

 SUNmysqlr (root component)
 SUNmysqlt (test component)
 SUNmysqlu (user component)

So you might find out it's already on your system. From memory, it's not in the default search path though, so you'll probably have to check the files in those packages to locate it. :)

Which version/build of OOo are you using btw? I'd recommend m87 as a minimum, as they've been fixing the most obvious database bugs (that I found) only recently.

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Sigh...  why do simple things have to be so complicated?...  :-(

Executive Director
Digital Distribution Global Training Services Pty. Ltd.
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