Andrew Jensen wrote:
There seems to be a similar problem when using MS Access with Base. A number of users from the Base forum have reported the following problem.

Currently there is an ASP application that connects to an MSA database. Base was used to connect to the same MSA database. When the Base file is open the database is locked, causing the ASP connection to fail. In both cases that where reported they are using ODBC to make the connection. I am wondering if there is some way ADO could be used instead that would allow Base to open the mdb file without a full lock?

To be honest, you really shouldn't be using MS Access to store data in a multi-user environment. Access is good for creating a GUI to connect to a real database server, but using Access as the 'server' is begging for trouble.

What I suspect is happening here ( I haven't tested this ) is that Base is creating a *filesystem* lock to access the mdb file. Access uses a 'record locking file' ( .ldb ) to indicate who's accessing what, but then everybody needs read/write access ... simultaneously ... to both the mdb and ldb ... for this to work. It doesn't work.

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989

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