Hi Barbara,

>> Are you (or is anybody else lurking here) aware of an issue for this? If
>> not - Barbara or Marc, care to submit one? I mean, there should be a
>> direct way, shouldn't it?
> I'd be glad to submit an issue if there isn't one. My idea of how it 
> should work would extend the kind of data movement that can be done in 
> Writer (and I guess Calc) where you can select and copy a rectangular 
> portion of a cell grid, select the top left corner of the destination 
> cell grid, and paste. That would extend the current capability to use 
> copy to create/append. (It could even include generating new data base 
> records as needed if there is an auto-increment value for the key 
> field.) It would work in queries as well as tables. I love the way paste 
> works in Writer,  it's very intuitive and makes short work of things 
> I've often had trouble with in MS Word (haven't tried any particularly 
> recent versions of that, so I don't know if you still have to select an 
> exactly equivalent area in the destination to be able to paste, but that 
> was necessary in all the versions I've worked with).
> Do you folks agree that this would be a reasonable request? I obviously 
> haven't thought it through all the way, but I could provide examples of 
> the kinds of things I'd like to see. Basically, I'd like anything that 
> looks like a table in Writer, Calc, and Base to allow data interchange. 
> I've written a lot of User Guide type documentation, I could even work 
> up some kind of draft of one for this.

I admit my original RFI (request for issue :) was more about the
inability to fill in a PK field (that is: copy a data range to a new
table, let Base create a PK, then copy a homogenous range to the same
table -> Base should fill in the PK values, as good as possible. If I
understood it right (I cross-read this thread only :-\), this was the
original problem.)

Your idea sounds somewhat unusual for a database (in which situations,
for instance, would you want to copy a rectangular portion to a location
starting at another column? How often, really, does one have data where
this makes sense?). Or is this just me?

> While I'm at it, I might look for something about the 
> much-less-than-helpful error messages when the current create/append 
> logic hits a snag. May have been fixed since 2.0.4, but if not ....

Ah, please do. I *know* our error messages are terrible way too often,
and I'd like to correct this wherever possible (Unfortunately,
translating low level error conditions into human-readable, high-level
error messages is one of the higher arts of programming :).

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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