(Comments in message)

Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany wrote:
Hi Barbara,

Are you (or is anybody else lurking here) aware of an issue for this? If
not - Barbara or Marc, care to submit one? I mean, there should be a
direct way, shouldn't it?
I'd be glad to submit an issue if there isn't one. My idea of how it should work would extend the kind of data movement that can be done in Writer (and I guess Calc) where you can select and copy a rectangular portion of a cell grid, select the top left corner of the destination cell grid, and paste. That would extend the current capability to use copy to create/append. (It could even include generating new data base records as needed if there is an auto-increment value for the key field.) It would work in queries as well as tables. I love the way paste works in Writer, it's very intuitive and makes short work of things I've often had trouble with in MS Word (haven't tried any particularly recent versions of that, so I don't know if you still have to select an exactly equivalent area in the destination to be able to paste, but that was necessary in all the versions I've worked with).

Do you folks agree that this would be a reasonable request? I obviously haven't thought it through all the way, but I could provide examples of the kinds of things I'd like to see. Basically, I'd like anything that looks like a table in Writer, Calc, and Base to allow data interchange. I've written a lot of User Guide type documentation, I could even work up some kind of draft of one for this.

I admit my original RFI (request for issue :) was more about the
inability to fill in a PK field (that is: copy a data range to a new
table, let Base create a PK, then copy a homogenous range to the same
table -> Base should fill in the PK values, as good as possible. If I
understood it right (I cross-read this thread only :-\), this was the
original problem.)
Yes, that was the specific question (let's call it Issue 1). In this case, it would be complicated by the fact that Base did not define the PK it generated for the original .dbf import as auto-increment. So as things stand now, the first db table would probably have to be copied to create a second that was defined as really intended, before Base would know the pattern to use. I should also have changed the lengths of some fields, which were picked up using the maximum length that currently existed in the field and therefore could not be increased with new data -- in my case, additional "dates" in an expanding status field, or comments in a description. I'd have thought that "VARCHAR" would automatically expand as needed up to at least 255, but it doesn't, and the field definitions cannot be modified in place. The option is presented to delete the field and append a new one as redefined, but that discards all the data. (Issue 2).
Your idea sounds somewhat unusual for a database (in which situations,
for instance, would you want to copy a rectangular portion to a location
starting at another column? How often, really, does one have data where
this makes sense?). Or is this just me?

A brief description of how I'd get into this has to do with one person (me) controlling the database, while other people collect additional data to go into it. These people are neither familiar with databases nor authorized to update the master, but it would be nice if they could work in a table or spreadsheet (depending on their preference), and I could copy the data as needed from there. One thing that would interfere with this is described in the thread about updating from a query with a join (not currently possible, no apparent plan; existing issue cited in that thread). Another is that existing data copy capabilities into Base follow different rules for Writer tables and Calc spreadsheets (and maybe different again for other formats of text documents, spreadsheets, and databases). Let's call the sometimes-missing first row Issue 3; and Issue 4 that I've recently identified is that copies from Writer tables into text fields add leading and trailing blanks, while those from Calc do not. (That one's been fun for my normalized version of the database.) Also, in preparing this material to go to these people it would be nice if I could copy a rectangular block from an existing database table or query (Issue 5). As is, I often have to create a query with the specific subset I need. Once I have a query that's as close as I can get, I copy all its data, paste-special into an empty portion of the destination document (haven't tried this with Calc, just Writer), delete/reformat columns as required, copy, and paste into my destination table. Since Base seems to "like" Calc better, the transfers might be smoother there -- but I'd expect problems with my "dates" again.
While I'm at it, I might look for something about the much-less-than-helpful error messages when the current create/append logic hits a snag. May have been fixed since 2.0.4, but if not ....

Ah, please do. I *know* our error messages are terrible way too often,
and I'd like to correct this wherever possible (Unfortunately,
translating low level error conditions into human-readable, high-level
error messages is one of the higher arts of programming :).
OK, Issue 6. When copies fail, they don't provide any info about where they hit the snag. For example, I had a Writer table of about 3000 entries that established my Addresses table, but three of the keys had typos that violated uniqueness. The message just indicated that there was at least one uniqueness violation somewhere in the data; it would have been very helpful if the error message at least included the information about the record number from the source where it was getting into trouble (a presentation of at least the first badly-behaved record would be nice, but I can see where that would be difficult if it's disobeying the formats - maybe a last-successful-record display?). And those leading and trailing blanks caused data length violations for the fields that really are known to be short, when I tried to define the fields as the correct length, but I didn't know that was why the copy was failing at the time.
Thanks & Ciao

Thank you! It's great to have a way to talk to real live people about this stuff. I don't know how much of this is already dealt with in current or planned releases, or has issues I should vote for, or whatever - haven't really gotten into the best way to do the searches.


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