Hello people,

this are the results of trying to copy *FROM* a dBase file
*TO* an HSQLDB embedded / MySQL database, in Linux with Java UNO bridge.

1. like with the FLAT and OOoCalc SOURCE, only "ConnectionResource" =

RESULT: CopyTableWizard.createWithInteractionHandler() throws
com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException: "Only tables and queries are
supported at the moment."

2. in this case, just adding 2 more arguments worked OK:
   * "ConnectionResource" = "sdbc:dbase:file:///home/ariel/myfile.dbf"
   * "CommandType" = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.TABLE
   * "Command" = "myfile" , that is the file name without extension
[if in ConnectionResource you pass a FOLDER URL like "sdbc:dbase:file:///home/ariel/.openoffice.org2/user/database/biblio" because in this folder there are Data Files (*.dbf) with Memo Field Files (*.dbt), "Command" must be the name of the file without extension]

RESULT= works OK (but you can not specify connection properties)

3. if you want to use the connection info properties supported by dBase driver (CharSet and ShowDeleted [?]), only "ActiveConnection" = XDriverManager.getConnectionWithInfo(URL,
info), where
   URL = "sdbc:dbase:file:///home/ariel/myfile.dbf"
   info = PropertyValue[] including the CharSet

RESULT: CopyTableWizard.createWithInteractionHandler() throws
com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException: "Only tables and queries are
supported at the moment."

4. Finally, once again 3 arguments:
  * "ActiveConnection" = XDriverManager.getConnectionWithInfo(URL, info)
      URL = "sdbc:dbase:file:///home/ariel/myfile.dbf"
      info = PropertyValue[] including the CharSet
  * "CommandType" = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.TABLE
  * "Command" = "myfile" , that is the file name without extension
[if in ConnectionResource you pass a FOLDER URL like "sdbc:dbase:file:///home/ariel/.openoffice.org2/user/database/biblio" because in this folder there are Data Files (*.dbf) with Memo Field Files (*.dbt), "Command" must be the name of the file without extension]

RESULT: this works too.

A final question: does ShowDeleted have any effect when copying? I mean, would ShowDeleted be like alsoCopyDeletedRecords? Does not sound probable. I will have to test.


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina



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