Hi guys,

just to give you some info about the ongoing merge (I'm removing the MessageCodec hierarchy, replacing it with the InternalMessage hierarchy, in the server and on the client api).

So far, I have successfully been able to use the InternalMessage classes to decode the AbandonRequest, BindRequest, UnbindRequest, DelRequest. However, the associated Codec messages are still present, as the API is using them.

OTOH, and because it's easier, I'm removed completely the AddResponse, BindResponse and DelResponse codec classes. They have been replaced by their equivalent classes from InternalMessage. This has been done in the clinet API and in the server.
It's going fast, as all those data structure are simular.

There are two things to be done when all those response messages will have been merged : - remove the API Response message classes, to use the InternalMessage response classes
- Fix the dsml-parser which is using the codec hierarchy

A third step would be to get rid of all the Request codec classes, this will come next.

I think that I have 4 more days to get all this done. It's not exactly fun, but at least, we will have some cleaner implementation...

Emmanuel Lécharny

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