One step further :
- all the response have been migrated
- all the ldap-api response messages have been removed and replaced by the shared-ldap response messages

We now have one singe set of classes to manage responses, all over the server, except in the dsml-parser module (to be done)

The next step is to add the missing toString() methods in the Message (each codec message had a toString method), then to continue the migration of requests (compare, extended, modify, modifyDn, and search).

When done, we will be able to rename the Internalxxx to xxx (no reason anymore to have 'Internal' in front of each message).

I'm still wondering if it's a good idea to have an interface for each message. Not sure...

A few more thing we would like to do : there are many fields which are exposed as public (the various length, used to encode the messages), and I'm wondering if we could not hide them or at least keep them package protected. To be investigated.

All in all, this cleanup has removed 24 512 slocs (from 351 355 slocs down to 326 443 slocs). Not bad !

Emmanuel Lécharny

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