The new http service is not testet alot. It's only been used in our own
projects for now, but I will need to create more unit tests and some
integration tests. As for comet support - I have tought of it, but have not
come around to do it. I will gladly look at the "current" comet support to
see if it's a trivial ting to include.

Yes, it would be great to be included as a committer. I really like the
Felix project and are really committed to create the best http service
implementation out there :-)

Sten Roger

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 8:52 AM, Rob Walker <> wrote:

> Good point - we also have a "home grown" cometd approach which we use for
> server push to our GWT application, so something built into the http server
> would definitely be of interest
> - R
> Clement Escoffier wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just my 2 cents.
>> any plan to support Cometd ?
>> We slightly change the current HTTP Service to support Cometd. I don't see
>> any issue to do the same on Sten's version.
>> (of course, I can send what we quickly did).
>> As a reminder, Cometd is an HTTP based MOM, allowing (after a handshake) a
>> server to notify browser. In Ajax-based interaction, the client
>> (periodically) query the server. With Comet, the server notifies the
>> clients.
>> As you can imagine, this is definitely important for dynamic web
>> application.
>> Regards,
>> Clement
>> On 28.08.2009, at 08:40, Rob Walker wrote:
>>  What do we need to do make this happen guys?
>>> Sten - sounds like you've done a great job, kudos.
>>> Felix/Marcel - sounds like you guys are happy with the approach and code
>>> >From our side, we can certainly run some "real world" compatibility
>>> tests - which isn't to say in fact that Sten's new service would be wrong
>>> and the current one right, just whether thenew version breaks anything
>>> present in the exisiting service. If it does, I'm sure it'll either be
>>> fixable, or something that's actually not correct in the current service -
>>> so not a major issue. It'll be useful though to be able to advise other
>>> Felix guys of anything that might differ and need application changes.  I'm
>>> happy to make time to look at this next week.
>>> After that - do we just call a vote? I'm guessing Sten, we also need to
>>> propose you as a committter for maintenance?
>>> Great progress though - the current Http service has served us pretty
>>> well, but it's always been on the list to have cleaner and fuller solution
>>> -- Rob
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