Hi Saranash,

As a first and foremost acknowledgement: my reaction here is on a
completely personal title and unrelated to my company, this is a core
principle of participating in an Apache project. Therefore let me remind
you: I don't see anyone else constantly doing plain-out self promotion. I
see you critising others of selfpromotion (in a cobbled together argument)
using your foundation with it's directly linked commercial entities in
every other paragraph.

While I have personally not been active in the mailinglist or the PMC for
quite some time, I have and am still taking active interest in the state of
the project and keep in active touch with various members in the community.
Spectating the current way things are being discussed and treated on this
mailinglist I cannot get away from perceiving it as an aggressive and
unrespectful way of raising and pushing topics. While I might or might not
agree to some of the contents that are being raised, I want to step
completely beside that point at this stage.

On the ApacheCon stuff, I firmly disagree with the way you present your
"facts". Fineract has been participating in ApacheCon for a few years and
in that Javier has taken lead quite a few times, similar to the team from
AF itself. While there was therefore no public (or in the PMC for that
matter) vote about him investing his personal time and effort in this,
there was also clearly no objection raised when he called for proposals or
when the topic was publicly discussed. You also raised no concerns on it
either last year when you were late submitting your proposals or this year
until you were (again) late submitting your input.

The way your messages on this board are written come accross as aggressive,
disrespectful and short-sighted. Many of the things raised and discussed
(lack of transparency, need for voting tools, external communication tools
like Slack) go directly against the Apache Way (
http://www.apache.org/theapacheway/). I strongly recommend reading it
carefully and in full (I read that line in some document else today and
thought it was good to start by practicing what you preach!). Therefore a
firm -1 for the PMC self-nomination.

But instead of all going on the offense, forcing others to be defensive
let's start looking at things from a more positive standpoint in
open-minded spirit and applaude the work that the various active
contributors have been doing. As a community we have had our fair share of
disagreements in the past and yet we are still there!  So let us try to
build plans for the future in spirit of the Apache way using and leveraging
the battle-tested and proven lessons and tools (primarly this public
mailinglist) that are there.

So stepping besides the point of this years Apache Con, let's pick up a
chain on the architecture of Fineract following the presentation there.
That is hopefully going to be a nice kick-off to discussing that further
and reaching consensus on it as a community.


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