> This won't work for us (Jangaroo/Ext AS users). In our development
> workflow, JS/HTML5 is the one and only target platform. And I think this is
> the future for Flex. If Flex will not support the full development
> lifecycle for HTML5 projects, it is of no interest for us and I guess for
> many others, and I'd even dare say it is doomed.

I'm not talking about what Flex in general supports or does not
support. That's up to the community and depends entirely on the
contributions you, me and others make to the project.

All I said is that in my view (the only one I have ;-)), JS is 'just'
another output format for projects built with the Flex SDK. The Flash
Player and AIR aren't going anywhere soon, dismissing them as a
delivery platforms for the Flex SDK is nonsense. FYI: the main
inspiration for my point of view about generated JS came from here:


And please: what might doom Flex is people talking about what will
doom Flex. All that does is feed the trolls that make a living of
writing negative stories about tech subjects. Like with the stock
markets, often all it takes is one rumor going viral...


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