I think this a relevant and new discussion, so I moved it to a new
thread: "[ASJS] debugging output JS?"


On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 10:33 AM, Roland Zwaga <rol...@stackandheap.com> wrote:
> On 28 January 2013 10:29, Erik de Bruin <e...@ixsoftware.nl> wrote:
>> > This won't work for us (Jangaroo/Ext AS users). In our development
>> > workflow, JS/HTML5 is the one and only target platform. And I think this
>> is
>> > the future for Flex. If Flex will not support the full development
>> > lifecycle for HTML5 projects, it is of no interest for us and I guess for
>> > many others, and I'd even dare say it is doomed.
>> And please: what might doom Flex is people talking about what will
>> doom Flex. All that does is feed the trolls that make a living of
>> writing negative stories about tech subjects. Like with the stock
>> markets, often all it takes is one rumor going viral...
> I don't believe that is what Frank meant, what he meant was just debugging
> in AS
> is not enough and that the JS output ought to be viewed as bytecode and
> should
> "just work". While that goal might be admirable, I tend to agree with Frank
> that
> being able to dip into the JS parts is probably essential for the
> situations in which
> the JS doesn't "just work".
> Or did I also misunderstand?

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