On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Erik de Bruin <e...@ixsoftware.nl> wrote:

> Mike,
> I was aleady afraid we were boring, or worse, bothering the community.
> I apologize for my part in it. Like you I'm more of a tool maker, as
> you know well. I do get distracted when I get the impression that my
> efforts (non-trivial, let me assure you!) are questioned and
> belittled.

Erik, in our company culture, and also at university, it is part of the
game that solutions are questioned and challenged by other solutions, in
order to end up with the best solution. This does not at all imply that a
solution is invalid, simple, stupid, and wasn't any effort to build.

> So I get on the defensive and try to educate people that
> I'm not making stuff up but actually think about and research stuff
> before I start. And I get carried away as well.

No-one is saying you didn't research, or you did a bad job. Again, I
respect your solution and find it completely valid.
But no single person can know and consider everything. That's why we work
in a community. At least that's what I thought communities are for.
So please don't take my criticism so personally. What I mainly criticize
are some of Google Closure's concepts, so there is really no reason to take
that personally, unless you work for Google and invented Closure.



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