Quoting Frank Wienberg <fr...@jangaroo.net>:

Hi Alain,

for Jangaroo, I answered this question here:
For Flex / FalconJx, it seems nobody was extremely fond of the idea to have
to keep all the white-space and take care of generating JS code in the
exact line of the source AS code.

Ok, Do I have to start another thread with exclamation marks for everybody to tone the .... down!

I cannot believe this conversation is taking the spin it is right now, some of the discussions the last two days have been ridiculous and serve no constructive purpose to any of these "initiatives".

Frank, Being that I am about the only one working on FalconJx "innards" and conceived a way to even HAVE alternate outputs (just look at FalconJS's rats nest code), I would be offended by the above statement, if I was the type that actually get offended, which I'm not. (I left out the "doomed" statement)

I SAID I would get you going on the output you need for "your" vision(with line numbers if need be) of the javascript emitter.

I have put 100's of hours into this project and will be damned if it is doomed by squabbling over implementations. I'm a tool maker, Don't confuse the tool with the JOB! You and Erik are bickering about the Job, I am working on the tool, please do not confuse the two.

Well, I guess I started another thread cause I don't want this buried.


Michael Schmalle - Teoti Graphix, LLC

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