
> Just to be clear, for all practical purposes, when I say FXG, I really mean
> MXML.  This is because, the Flex implementation of FXG ensures that FXG
> elements can be pluggable inline into any MXML component.  So, if we are to
> support MXML, then we must support FXG.
> In what I am doing currently, I am actually processing an MXML file, ignore
> things that I dont care about (like fx:Script, fx:Metadata, and any
> non-visual component)
> It just happens that for Spark components, the FXG elements appear only in
> their Spark skins.  This makes my job easier because if I target only the
> spark skins, I wont have to deal with a lot of other MXML functional (i.e.
> non view) elements.

Currently, the way it's (going to be) set up is that when parsing MXML
(which FalconJx now knows how to do), all script blocks and other
non-MXML entities encountered along the way are parsed by their own
type of parsers. So I imagine that you'd be writing a parser
specifically for the FXG elements and that parser will be called when
the MXML contains a FXG element. Would be my suggestion...

>> 3) Ah, there is the CSS, I guess (fxg -> svg + css). The AS code will
>> be cross-compiled to AS (weird, I know) or any form of JS we chose,
>> most likely 'goog' JS, as it will have to be compatible with FlexJS
>> and the VanillaSDK. Due to the way FalconJx is set up, it will be easy
>> to add FXG specific JS parsing, if needed.
> What if I want to handcode some javascript?  For example, if I want to
> support the current 'states' paradigm used in spark skins, I need to write
> some javascript to make it a reusable component.  I am not sure if this is
> the right approach, though.  What do you guys think?

All JS only, 'handcoded' scripts go in either the FlexJS and/or
VanillaSDK JS frameworks (flex-asjs->frameworks->js), so I guess the
FlexJS JS framework would be great place to put that for now
(VanillaSDK is being held back a bit on account of me being only one
person ;-).

>> 4) Sounds like and excellent starting point... however, you'll
>> probably have to tweak your local SDK 'a bit' to get both the Flex and
>> JS side working.  Or should be start one of those much rumored
>> 'shared' feature branches of the SDK?
> What kind of tweaking do you mean?  Actually, I dont understand anything
> you just said.  Please explain like I am 5 years old :-)

Well, VanillaSDK requires you to work with a modified Flex SDK and I
don't have one ready to be shared just yet (hence the tweaking). Since
Alex indicated FlexJS is nearly ready to handle your type of
contribution, I think you best work with FlexJS for now.

> Cautious optimism abounds!

Unbridled naiveté for the win :-P


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