> Awesome! We'd have to figure out how to manage a licence for an entire
> project. We can't have 'a few' licences to specific people, as anyone who
> interested should be able to run the tests. We'd have to have an 'eternal
> licence' of some sort that would ensure that if we commit to using
> the licensing would never become an issue.
Yes, I realize that. We'd probably need to provide a permanent non-expiring
special license to any Apache Flex user to run the tests. A kind of
perpetual non-named "Runner" license would do this. We already have Runner
licenses which only allow to run the tests. 

The Runner licenses we currently sell are named (licensed to a particular
person or organization). However I think we can do a special license type
for Apache Flex project so that any person running the Flex SDK build is
licensed to run RIATest tests that are part of the SDK Build procedure. That
should cover the legal aspects.

In additional to that we could donate several Professional edition licenses.
These allow for full usage of RIATest including developing the tests. These
licenses will be only needed by people who are actually developing tests, so
there won't be needed a lot of this type. 

> Maybe you can prepare some examples specific to ASJS so we can better
> evaluate what it could do for this project. Would you be interested in
> providing those?
Sure, why not. How about I prepare a sample test for FlexJSTest_again


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