> From: Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com]
> OK, probably just wishful thinking on my part.  I think we both agree
> that it would be great if you could write a test on AS and have it run
> in JS.
I definitely agree, that would be great, that was what I initially thought
we could do and what excited me. Alas now that I think more of it I do not
see a reasonably easy way to achieve that.

> What I was trying to point out is that in FlexJS, the JS code for
> Combobox, for example, is not generated by cross compiling the AS code
> for ComboBox.
> Instead, under the covers of the ComboBox API, we hand-wrote one that
> works on Flash, and another one that works in JS (that uses the
> HTMLSelect).  
Yes, I already know this.

> We haven't implemented an API in ComboBox or one of its
> plug-ins that plays back selection of an option, but if we did, and
> called it maybe "playbackSelection", it would make the right calls in
> AS and a different set of calls in JS, so theoretically, the test
> script that calls playbackSelection would just "do the right thing".
> But this may break down in more complex scenarios.
Sure, this is technically possible, it is just not a trivial thing to do.
Essentially it means implementing a full new automation API on all FlexJS
components. I suspect it is too much effort for the current Apache Flex
team. How many committers does the Flex team currently have anyway?

> Just for my education, does the RTS file get "compiled" or is it
> interpreted by the test engine?
It is interpreted. I am actually the person who is responsible for the
interpreter and the runtime, hence my interest in FalconJS.

> And thanks for the list of things to keep in mind.  That was very
> helpful.
You are welcome.


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