Oops, wrong link... here it is, Top tech CEOs advocate Flash:

On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 11:44 AM, Stephane Beladaci
<adobeflexengin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 10:07 AM,  <f...@dfguy.us> wrote:
>> Keep in mind though that Adobe is still investing in flash and air. They are 
>> just focused on gaming.
> I agree, this is one of the strategic moves I applauded Adobe for.
> There are very specific strategic interest in this focus on gaming:
> 1/ it keeps the development team focused, Adobe is drastically
> invested in India based human resources and I have exposed both my
> concerns and the result of my research about that. Based on the
> education system in India, it seems that you simply cannot maintain a
> developing team performant for product based development. Services,
> yes. Cisco, yes. VMware, definitely. DirectTV, HBO, Adobe, Disney,
> Apple... forget it! I bet you most highly performing professional you
> know from those companies are second generation. By having a highly
> creative team in SF, California, or even Eastern Europe and a highly
> efficient technical team in India focused on clearly defined features,
> it seems they have been able to deliver.
> 2/ simply put, if it is good enough for games, it is good enough for
> anything! you can't scam the world about Flash performance when built
> for gaming, it was so easy to do so when it was built for banner ads.,
> 3/ games and desktop video are more viral and spread faster and
> quicker than anything else, Adobe focused on those two, here is our
> guarantee to keep above 95%browser penetration and near ubiquity
> across platform and OS. You can tell anything b*tching about Flash
> "have you watched the Olympics? Not the last? What about the before
> the last? Ok, either way it does not matter what your device was, it
> is was Flash, Flex, AIR, AS3 and zero HTML5". Same with Angry Bird,
> how long did it take Google and Rivo? LOL still last week I could not
> play without Flash outside of Chrome.
>> There probably would be a mobile version if not for the fragmentation in the 
>> market from iOS, causing them to drop off of it.
> I do not think so, out f the top 10 multinationals in the mobile
> industry, 9 committed to dedicate resources and have their engineers
> work hand in hand with Adobe's engineer to "optimize and accelerate
> Flash Player and AIR for mobile platforms and chipsets", and bring
> that ecosystem to their mobile devices "because you simply cannot have
> the full web experience on mobile devices, without Flash". I am not
> saying it, the CEOs of Google, ARM, Motorola, HTC, Intel, NVIDIA,
> Palm, QUALCOMM, RIM, Broadcom, DoCoMo, and STMicroelectronics are. On
> cam. Google HTML5 evangelists should remember those words from their
> CEO Eric Schmidt: "We need Flash in order to show off the best of
> applications available on the web. The Open Screen Project is the next
> step in the evolution of Flash".
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt3hTGpfrSE
> So, Adobe did not drop Flash on Android because of browser
> fragmentation, it killed it because the Open Screen Project was about
> to put Apple to shame and have its sale plummet if Jobs persisted in
> not supporting Flash. So, I believe and hope to be able to prove soon
> that Jobs coerced Adobe to kill Flash Player, in exchange of what
> Apple made AIR the rockstar of the iOS. My problem with that is 1/
> pure plain conspiracy, 2/ hijack free open business to walled taxed
> proprietary fascist system, 3/ it is racketeering.
>> I think that it's correct to think that maintaining an open source VM would 
>> be a lot of work, and keep in mind that just because it's open source 
>> doesn't > mean it will be runnable on iOS, unless it's based on javascript 
>> somehow. I think flexjs is set up to compile down as to JavaScript in a 
>> basic fashion.
> How many billion and decades is it going to take for a consensus about
> the fact that JS will never be capable of competing with app stores?
> It cannot be entirely, fully open source. It cannot have its
> implementation left freely to the browsers or OS. It has to have a
> proprietary component that allows us to keep some level of control.
> Remember Eric Schmidt "Open Screen Project is the next step in the
> evolution of Flash", not "HTML5 open source standard in the next step
> in the evolution of Flash". Well, as I said before Adobe abandoned the
> Open Screen Project trademarks with USPTO, so I snatched them with the
> intend to take it where Adobe left it, and all the way this time.
> -Stephane

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